Title: Can You Skate? Group: Kanjani8 (and others) Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ryo/Uchi Word Count: 4,049 Note: For Maia who gave me a drabble prompt that was awesome and grew into this long...thing LOL <3 Thanks to my Beta, Ilanaface <3
Title: Takizawa Teppan Groups/Pairings: Mainly K8/NEWS with KAT-TUN, Arashi & others Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 3,525 Warnings: Bad words Summary: If Johnnys was a teppanyaki restaurant. Notes: Written for beltenebra for je_otherworlds 2011!
Ohkura/Ryo for Iso Ohkura/Yasu (Gen) for Lege Kusano/Fujigaya (R) Ohkura/Himself (R) Ryo/Uchi makeouts for Ilana (PG-13) moreOhkura/Ryo for Iso (R) once again fic for Iso Ohkura wanking (R)